iEMPOWER is a community-based nonprofit organization with a mission to empower and enrich our community through education, civic engagement, leadership, and service. Specifically, iEMPOWER aspires to connect with the local youth and their families by providing services such as mentoring, tutoring, and leadership enhancement programs.

iEMPOWER is a direct response to the economic and educational needs of Elizabeth City/Paqoutank County and its surrounding communities. Census and economic data for Pasquotank County indicate educational rates that are below and poverty rates that are above the state average. There is a clear and urgent need for enrichment services focused on underserved youth and their families to support academic achievement, economic improvement, and civic engagement that will strengthen the communities and systems in which they live. As adolescence is a period of development in which students' dispositions (their interests, identities, and perceptions of their possible selves) are malleable (Lawson & Lawson, 2013; Eccles & Wang, 2012), educational enrichment and positive interventions can have a significant impact on their academic and psychological well-being.